Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Relationship Issues


Do you know who she is? That's Dear Deidre. That's her name in full, I'm sure.

This podcast is all about some of the issues relationships can encounter, with the help of Deidre's unique brand of genius advice. Oh, and it's even longer than last week. Sorry.

Tell your friends, post on facebook, email me,
or Tweet at me.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Meeting People

I made this picture myself. Can you tell?

Out of interest, it's worth saying that if you're a hot blonde stick figure as illustrated, you can get in touch with me via email for a good time.

It's a long podcast, I'm not going to lie - that's a result of the extra subject matter at the start and the fact that, well, I like to talk.

Oh, oh, I'm also on Twitter. Does anyone know what that #marsiscoming hashtag was all about? I've cleverly started using #marshiscoming for thrills. Click here to Tweet at me.

Tell your friends, post on facebook, email me.

Thanks for listening.